
EnglishMathsScienceComputingHistoryGeographyReligious EducationPhysical EducationPSHCEFrenchMusicArtDesign Technology

Literacy Intent Statement:

Agate Momentum Trust strives to create lifelong learners and recognises that literacy lies at the heart of this.

We invest in the development of oracy throughout the school by implementing talk for learning strategies throughout the curriculum. A regular speech and language therapist offers bespoke support to practitioners, pupils and families.

Our teachers are highly skilled at teaching reading both from the early stages through to the fluent competent reader.

Early reading is taught through systematic phonics approach using the Read Write Inc reading programme, alongside extensive exposure to high quality books that ensure our children encounter rich and varied vocabulary. Children’s books are linked to the sounds they have been learning so they get to practice and embed what they have been taught.

Teachers instil a love and passion for reading.  Our engaging book areas, high quality texts, world book days, mastery reading through reading gladiators, daily
love of reading sessions are just a part of what our enriching reading curriculum offers.

We firmly believe that as teachers if we give children the right skills alongside the right books we can instil a love of reading that will foster lifelong readers.

‘If you don’t like reading it’s just because you haven’t found the right book.’

Storytelling and purpose for writing is key to our writing programme. Children are skilfully taught to think like a writer and to use tools that will create an effect on the reader. At Agate Momentum Trust we teach writing through the Talk for Writing model which stresses the importance of talk prior to writing. Grammar, spelling and handwriting are woven through writing models as well as being explicitly taught. Creative writing days enable children to apply their skills and knowledge of writing in their own creative way.

Vocabulary is skilfully taught at all levels ensuring our children are equipped with the vocabulary they need to be successful learners.


The Agate Momentum Trust aims to develop the following in all children, irrespective of background, race or gender:

  • A love for reading where pupils choose to read frequently for enjoyment;
  • The ability to read fluently and with good understanding;
  • A strong command of written and spoken English in order to communicate effectively with others;
  • A strong awareness of audience and the ability to adapt their language and style for different purposes;
  • An interest in words and their meanings to acquire a wide vocabulary;
  • A good understanding of grammar and punctuation;
  • A legible fluent handwriting style;
  • The confidence and competence to produce high quality writing and solve problems through the application of knowledge and skills;
  • The powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness.

For more information please see the English policy.

Progression of Grammar
Writing Overview

Reading Overview
Early Reading – Phonics Progression
Early Reading Progression for KS2

Maths Intent Statement

Agate Momentum Trust wants our young mathematicians to become confident learners who demonstrate resilience when facing mathematical challenges. In maths lessons, we follow the Singaporean ‘Maths No Problem’ programme.

In their lessons, children are encouraged to tackle an “in focus” problem in a number of different ways. Can the children visualise the problem and imagine how they will find out the answer? Our philosophy is that it is better to solve one problem in five different ways than to solve five different problems! Comparing and contrasting different methods for solving the same problem enables learners to connect different areas of knowledge and to deepen their mathematical understanding. Our children enjoy developing creative ways to solve the problem.

The children in Agate Momentum Trust are expected to stand up and clearly articulate their reasoning to the rest of the class. As a class, the children will name their methods and share any unusual/unique approaches. We value mistakes as a learning tool and are not afraid to challenge each other’s ideas in class.

It is important that the children learn how to record their findings. The children are often asked to create a visual representation of the problem. They will sometimes be asked to create their own problem similar to the one tackled in the “in focus” task or explain their learning clearly to another classmate. At Hallsville, our children are also great at evaluating the different methods they have used, explaining which they prefer and why.

Please find the link at the bottom of this page to see examples of our whole school journal from Maths Week 2022.

Learning to read maths is very important as maths is represented using a highly symbolic language. The children of Agate Momentum Trust are given the opportunity to see how a model mathematician has tackled the same problem. What is the conventional way of solving the problem and recording our calculations? The children’s confidence with using conventional methods of recording greatly increases as we advance through each topic.

Finally, children are given plenty of opportunity to practice the skills they have learnt in class during a guided practice session with the teacher and through independent application. Our children enjoy learning maths and understand that challenge makes us grow. Practice makes perfect!

Number fluency
The ability to manipulate and use numbers in different ways is an extremely important skill for all areas of maths. Rapid recall of times table facts up to 12×12 (by the end of year 4) and the ability to use known facts to find answers to questions we might not yet have the answer to is important in maths.

Scott Wilkie Primary is a ‘Maths No problem’ accredited school. We host regular open mornings. Please see the training tab of the website to book.  

Science Intent Statement:

Science is a body of knowledge built up through experimental testing of ideas. Science is also methodology, a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us. Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills.

The Agate Momentum Trust encourages the development of positive attitudes to science and we build on our children’s’ natural curiosity. We aim to provide our children with an enjoyable experience of science, so that they will develop a deep and lasting interest and may be motivated to study science further. Our lessons are practical and encourage independence.

Our aims in teaching science include the following:

  • Preparing our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
  • Fostering concern about, and active care for, our environment.
  • Helping our children acquire a growing understanding of scientific ideas.
  • Enabling our children to behave as scientists in developing and extending their understanding of the world.
  • Developing our children’s’ understanding of the international and collaborative nature of science

Both schools have established principles for teaching science

Science is doing well when…

  • Our lessons are planned to engage and drive the thirst for learning forward.
  • Our lessons are child-led and promote independence throughout the school.
  • There is a clear scientific learning journey that gives children the opportunity to work within the five enquiry types.
  • Children are confident in asking and raising their own questions for an enquiry, using their subject knowledge.
  • Children are confident in using scientific vocabulary to explore, reason and challenge their own and each other’s thoughts and choices.
  • Lessons are practical and allow children to enquiry using hands-on activities that can be linked to ‘real life.’
  • Children’s misconceptions are addressed and surfaced with carefully planned provision in order to address or challenge them effectively.
  • We are able to transfer vocabulary and knowledge from our science lessons, across all subjects and in our daily lives.

Hallsville and Scott Wilkie have been awarded the Science ‘Gilt’ Quality mark.

“The children speak about science enthusiastically and are excited by the challenge and curiosity it brings. They know it will help them in their everyday lives.” – Hallsville PSQM Gilt award feedback

“It is clear that you have worked incredibly hard to ensure that the teaching of science is consistent and rigorous across the whole school. You must be so proud of all that you have achieved and the impact that this has had on the staff and children in school.” – Scott Wilkie PSQM Gilt award feedback

Agate Momentum Trust Non-negotiables for Science:

  • Cold Task: to identify what children already know, understand and can do and any misconceptions
  • Children must learn and use the identified scientific academic tier 2 & 3 vocabulary in context and use when speaking and writing in science
  • Opportunity for children to raise questions and engage in the decision-making process about the key questions the class choose to address
  • Objectives relating to scientific enquiry related to each topic must be developed within the context of the knowledge & understanding objectives.
  • Opportunities to sort, order, classify, group, compare & contrast information/data
  • Opportunities to access the scientific context through drama/educational visit/maps and images/fieldwork/engaging with visitors to the school
  • Explicitly teach the vocabulary identified for each topic which can be found on the vocabulary vault grids below each topic on the maps
  • Reflections upon or responses to practical experience capturing key learning outcomes
  • Opportunities to apply writing skills in the context of science i.e. recounts, diary accounts, letters, newspaper articles, descriptions etc
  • Development of scientific vocabulary.
  • There is an opportunity to reflect upon, research as appropriate and answer the key questions raised at the outset of the learning journey.
  • There is an opportunity to reflect upon findings and their implications/relationship for/to everyday life
  • There is an opportunity to revisit and address misconceptions identified throughout the science journey. 
  • That children have addressed and developed a clear grasp of the content objectives related to the topic which provide the building blocks upon which further learning is based.
  • Hot Task: There is an opportunity to communicate the outcomes/ learning from a topic

Computing Curriculum Statement:

 Computing enables pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand how it can change the world. While Computing is taught as a discrete subject, at Agate Momentum Trust we believe that computing has an integral role in the teaching and learning across the curriculum. The computing curriculum is aligned with national curriculum expectations. In addition to this tools which children have mastered are frequently used to support and enhance teaching and learning in other subjects. We equip our pupils to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. We aim for our pupils to be confident, safe and competent users in an ever-changing digital world.

Agate Momentum Trust wants to fully equip our pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be digitally literate, technologically capable and fully aware of how to stay safe online. We have created an overview of topics for computing, working in partnership with NPW (Newham Partnership Working) to support and enhance the teaching of computing across the Trust.

The Computing curriculum is structured so that:

  • Online Safety is taught through one lesson each half term focusing on how to keep safe using ICT.
  • Children focus upon three units annually – Communication (word processing, images, audio, multimedia), Data Handling & Coding.
  • Children link to & build upon skills developed previously. Medium term plans detail the progression of skills being developed in successive year groups as children progress through the school.
  • These are often taught in the same term throughout the school in order to better facilitate the sharing of good practice.

We are a well-resourced trust with a fully operational computing system.


History Curriculum Statement:

Quality Mark for History Silver 2024

Agate Momentum Trust believes that history is a vital part of a well-rounded education. It allows pupils to explore, question and to understand the past and how it has influenced our present. In our history lessons, our aim is to enrich, inspire and to ignite a curiosity into the past.

We encourage pupils to think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement. We are lucky to have the opportunity to work with History off the Page, which allows children to not only research about the past but to live it.

We endeavour to bring history alive through educational visits, guest speakers and regular opportunities to engage with historic artefacts.

Agate Momentum Trust believes high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We aim to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Our teachers aim to equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.

History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

Non-Negotiables for history at Hallsville: During every history learning journey, our children should:

  • Complete a Cold Task: Teachers use these to identify what children already know, understand and can do and draw out any misconceptions
  • Raise their own questions and engage in the decision-making process about the key questions that the class choose to address (regularly devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance)
  • Learn and use the identified historical academic tier 2 & 3 vocabulary in context when speaking and writing (see vocab map) Develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms (see NC aims)
  • Be taught explicitly the vocabulary identified for each topic which can be found on the vocabulary vault grids below each topic on the maps
  • Construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information
  • Locate time periods on a history timeline
  • Understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different ways in which it is represented.
  • Infer information from real life artefacts about what life was like in the past
  • Infer from a range of secondary sources about what life was like in the past (use non-fiction books in every topic)
  • Examine the similarities and differences between life today and life in the past. (make connections, contrasts and identify trends over time)
  • Hot task: Communicate outcomes /learning from a topic – plan an exciting open-ended task that allows children to pull all of their learning together and showcase all that they now know including the new vocabulary learnt. Avoid closed task which force children down a narrow route and limit what they are able to showcase.

Geography Curriculum Statement:

We believe that it is important for pupils to have a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We want our children to be world class citizens, aware of the environmental issues that face our world and how they have a part to play in connecting with and protecting our world.

Through Geography our children have opportunities to become explorers, enquirers, environmentalists and global citizens. Our children begin to think like geographers through interpreting a range of sources such as maps, atlases, globes and photographs. Pupils develop knowledge about Earth’s key physical and human processes. They also learn how to collect and analyse data on the exciting field trips in which they participate – to beaches, towns and airports – to name just a few!

Non-negotiables for Geography:

  • Cold Task: to identify what children already know, understand and can do and any misconceptions
  • Explicitly teach the vocabulary identified for each topic which can be found on the vocabulary vault grids below each topic on the maps
  • Opportunity for children to raise questions and engage in the decision-making process about the key questions the class choose to address
  • Opportunities to sort, order, classify, group, compare & contrast information/data
  • Opportunities to access the geographical context through drama/educational visit/maps and images/fieldwork/engaging with visitors to the school
  • Reflections upon or responses to practical experience capturing key learning outcomes
  • Opportunities to apply writing skills in the context of geography i.e. recounts, diary accounts, letters, newspaper articles, descriptions etc
  • The opportunity to develop mapping skills within the context of the topic 
  • Comparisons between places and/or over time.
  • Opportunities to relate the experiences people in other places in the world to their own experiences.
  • Identification of climate/physical/human features of places.
  • Impact of the weather/climate/terrain upon the people that live there
  • Development of geographical vocabulary.
  • There is an opportunity to reflect upon, research as appropriate and answer the key questions raised at the outset of the learning journey.
  • Hot Task: There is an opportunity to communicate the outcomes/learning from a topic


Religious Education Curriculum Statement:

We teach religious education in accordance with Exploring Beliefs, Celebrating Diversity and the Agreed Syllabus for Newham. The Agreed Syllabus is a programme of study which has been drawn up by members of the council, members of the education profession, and representatives of all the major faiths and denominations.

We aim to promote tolerance and respect for people of all faiths (and those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. We also make links to the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum. We invite many guest speakers into our school to talk to the children and share their beliefs. Every year group also visits a place of worship to gain an insight into different faiths. The curriculum is designed to teach pupils about the world around them and how they can be part of it. It tries to develop a sense of personal identity and teaches children about relationships with other individuals and groups. It helps them to communicate and reflect on their thoughts and feelings and to approach and question ultimate values.

PE Curriculum Statement:

Physical Education lies at the heart of school improvement. We know that it is through PE and sport that children learn and build their resilience. It is through sport that children learn that the more they practice the more they improve. They also are encouraged to note their personal best rather than to compare themselves with others.

Physical education is taught by breaking down the skills and teaching these explicitly through modelling and plenty of individual and small group practice.

Physical Education is highly valued within Agate Momentum Trust. Each class has a minimum of two hours of physical education a week.

We value competition and are proud of our annual cross country run, football tournaments and competitive and non-competitive sports days. We enter as many competitions as we can and offer an array of after school clubs.

We recognise the importance of PE and sport on health and well being. We use the sport premium wisely to ensure we reach all our pupils even those that are less active.

Additional swimming is offered in year 6 to ensure as many of our pupils can swim independently the expected length of 25 metres.

Free football coaching is offered every morning at 8:00am to KS2 pupils.

Fitness breaks are used throughout the day to give children mental well being breaks.

Physical activity features predominately in our playground. Pupils are offered plenty of physical resources to play with and physically challenge themselves with. High levels of resourcing at playtime have had a positive impact on behaviour and pupil self- regulation.

Many visitors from overseas and within the UK have come to witness and observe the positive impact PE and sports have had not just in our teaching curriculum but through the extended school day.

Both Hallsville and Scott Wilkie currently hold the Youth School Games Platinum kitemark after achieving five successive gold marks in PE and sport.

Scott Wilkie run a programme called Marathon Kids, where pupils are encouraged to keep active during their break, lunch and lesson times. Pupils run the distances of marathons throughout the year and are awarded for their efforts with marathon medals. Scott Wilkie ranked number 1 in the UK on the Marathon Kids UK leader board last year.

Scott Wilkie have introduced a new PE programme this year for its KS2 pupils called Gymrun Colours. The programme aims to improve the physical health, literacy and well-being of pupils. Pupils fitness levels are tested twice a year, every year, allowing us to track their progress whilst they are at Scott Wilkie. Pupils receive fitness level badges and strive to work their way up the badge system, acquiring higher fitness levels.

PHSCE Curriculum Statement:

In PSHCE (personal, social health, citizen education), pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in the modern world. We want our pupils to grow up to be world class citizens. We want them to care for others, especially those less fortunate than themselves and the world they live in.
As part of our PSHCE lessons, we promote the development of spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical aspects of ‘self’ that we aim for children to transfer into all aspects of life, both within and beyond the school. We use the ‘Jigsaw’ resource as a starting point to plan lessons that are sensitive to the needs and beliefs of pupils, parents/carers and other members of the school community. PSHCE encompasses Philosophy for Children (P4C), mindfulness, drug awareness, Relationships and sex education, health and well-being and many other elements that help build self-esteem. Guest speakers such as the fire service, Dogs Trust, local councilors and other professionals are also invited in to equip pupils with real life knowledge that will aid them not only to be good citizens, but to inspire them to have aspirations and prepare them for the future.

In Key Stage 2, children are taught French by specialist language teachers. Children are encouraged to have positive attitudes towards other cultures and use their knowledge, with growing confidence and competence, to understand what they hear and read, and to express themselves in speech and in writing.   Children also have the exciting opportunity to increase their cultural awareness by learning about different countries and people.

Music Curriculum Statement:

Music is a highly celebrated subject within Agate Momentum Trust. Children have the opportunity to learn an instrument and to take part in whole class instrumental music lessons every week. Children are also given opportunities to perform in orchestras and to take part in large choirs -singing at festivals.

Music is shared and celebrated at many whole school assemblies. The performing arts is a strength in the Trust and acknowledged and appreciated by the community it serves. Pupils perform to a very high standard.

We aim to create confident, literate and functional musicians.  During their time at Agate Momentum Trust children will learn how to play the recorder, ukulele and violin, as well as a variety of tuned and un-tuned percussion. 

Non-Negotiables for Music

  • children have opportunities to develop their aural skills through listening to, responding to and appraising pieces of music
  • children have opportunities to respond to and understand pieces of music from different periods of time and different cultures
  • the skills of listening to and evaluating pieces of music, responding to and planning, performing and evaluating pieces of music are intertwined and development of these skills is deepened throughout each year
  • develop rhythmic fluency and understanding of pitch through singing a learning to play a target instrument
  • that children learn to play tuned and untuned percussion and one tuned instrument throughout KS1 and two further tuned instruments throughout KS2
  • every music lesson throughout KS1 & KS2 is embedded in practical music making and supported through the reading of appropriate notation
  • every child in every year group has the opportunity to perform through singing or playing instruments to a wider audience than their class during the school year.
  • all children learn to read stave music notation and their experience of this begins in Y1 and is developed with increasing confidence and complexity throughout KS1 & KS2
  • Each child will access approximately 6 hours of music teaching/term.


Art Curriculum Statement:

Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. The aim of our art curriculum is to engage, inspire and challenge our pupils. We aspire to equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We encourage our pupils to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. We aim to teach them how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Pupils will be taught how to:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art form

During every unit of art, children should (non-negotiables):

  • Use their sketchbooks to record their observations, review and revisit ideas. Develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.
  • Use their sketchbooks to explore a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
  • Explore the works of an artist, architect, or a particular artistic style.
  • Compare and contrast the works of different artists (What is the same? What is different between 2 pieces of art)
  • Experiment creating pieces of art in the style of particular artists
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Work on different sizes and types of paper
  • Draw/Paint/Sculpt for a sustained period of time with concentration
  • Each art unit requires 6 hours.
  • Where possible outcomes should be linked to topic work – RE / Science / Humanities

Our Intent:

  • To create sketch books to record children’s observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
  • To improve children’s mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
  • To know about great artists, architects and designers in history.

Art in the Agate Momentum Trust is taught through cross curricular topics in a creative and enriching way. This ensures children can draw inspiration from what is familiar to them and make links with their existing knowledge.

All year groups enjoy annual trips to various art galleries across London, which provide enriching opportunities for immersing children into art and widening their cultural horizons. Children also engage with learning about different artists and investigating their artistic style.

Pupils are taught and encouraged to develop their own artistic skills through a range of different mediums: drawing, painting, sculpting and collage. Across the school, each art topic starts by exploring the features of an artist or style, building up the skills and ideas through the topic before producing a final piece, bringing all these techniques together.

During the annual art week, year groups are able to work with artists from outside the school and encouraged to participate in school competitions, which often leads to work being displayed at an exhibition at the University of East London.


Please click on the image below to see our exhibition: 

Design and Technology Curriculum Statement:

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.

We understand that Design and Technology gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making products that have a purpose.
We believe it is important to nurture creativity and innovation through design, and by investigating products that are part of the world around us. Each year group has a healthy food focus in which they design and make a healthy food product for a particular consumer.

We investigate, design and evaluate which gives us an understanding of what makes a good product. We achieve this by embedding skills from the EYFS to Year 6.

DT Non-Negotiables at Hallsville: 

All DT units of work should follow a 4-part design process: Investigation, Design, Make and Evaluate.

Each of these 4 parts should be documented in the child’s DT book. 

In DT, children should design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. Every DT unit should include an element of problem solving. The end product produced by the children should be functional, able to be tested and evaluated. (Will this design work? What would make it better?)

At the investigation stage, children explore real life artefacts in order to ascertain what makes them work and what makes them good designs. Children should derive success criteria through this exploration stage. 

At the design stage children should be given a brief and a problem to solve so that they are clear on who the product is for and what the purpose of the product is. Each unit should involve skills building at the design stage. 

At the making stage children should select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform their practical tasks

At the evaluation stage, children should evaluate their final product against their design criteria.