





Welcome to the Hallsville Primary website

Hallsville Primary School is a top performing primary school situated in Canning Town. The school is a founding member of the ‘Agate Momentum Trust’. The Trust aspires to provide its pupils with a world-class education. Senior leaders have researched and implemented the latest most effective practices from around the UK and across the globe in order to provide the children in the Trust with a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum that puts the child at the heart of their curriculum and learning.

Hallsville serves the needs of its diverse and rich community by providing a continuously improving and outward looking school. Families in Canning Town, East London, deserve the best start to their education so they go on to become great learners and citizens of the future.

We strive for excellence in all areas:

  • Excellence based on a commitment to empowering all the children and young people in our care.
  • Excellence, whatever the challenges, in developing leaders of the future regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, background.
  • Excellence derived from the riches brought by diverse families and communities living in a vibrant, global city.
  • Excellence in achievement for all, resulting from children receiving an education matching world-class outcomes.
  • Excellence in the design of a forward-thinking, innovative, curriculum.
  • Excellence in a pedagogical approach to teaching firmly embedded in and informed by research.

Keri Edge – Trust Leader
Kelly Jones -Head Teacher