Year 4


Culture Day 

Year 4 celebrated Culture Week with some African Drumming and a Cultural Food Taste Session. Children brought in a variety of food from their culture and dressed up in outfits to represent their culture. We had a day full of fun!

Visit to the temple 

We visited the Hindu Temple to learn about the Hindu Gods and prayers. We learnt about the 3 main Gods and all the prayers and rituals that are imprtant to a Hindu person. We also learned about the imprtance of prayer and how it is linked to their everyday needs. Their Gods and prayers are very specific to health, wealth and power.

Kings Coronation Celebration

Year 4 spent some of our morning celebrating the Kings Coronation. We learnt and sang the National Anthem and enjoyed some scones and jam with some juice. 


Year 4 visited Kidzania as part of our citizenship week. Children were able to look for a job in an indoor city and learn essential life skills. They went through the process of applying for a job, working and earning money to spend from their very own bank card. It was a truly enjoyable day!

Easter experience 

Year 4 visited the Cliff Walk Evangelical Church to find out how Christian’s celebrate easter. 

Cable Cars

Year 4 took the Emirates Airline’s Cable Cars across the River Thames as part of their Geography trip. The children noticed the meanders of the river and the Thames Flood Barrier.

Visit to British Museum

Year 4 have been learning about Romans in Britain in their history lessons. On our school trip, we found interesting artefacts that linked to our lessons: Vindolanda tablets, a 3D model of Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman forts, Roman soldiers’ outfits and much more. It was an excellent opportunity to look at some evidences of Romans in Britain.

Anti-Bullying Workshop

“Today we had our anti-bullying workshop where we learnt about respecting each other. We did lots of role play around bullying and how to face these problems if they were to happen in real life.”


As part of our Diversity week, Year 4 have learnt about Somalia and created a fact file about the Somali Culture. We also did African Drumming and learnt the techniques of drumming with our hands. All of the children in year 4 really enjoyed learning the African song!

Year 4 had the exciting opportunity to trial out a rock climbing morning at Rise Climbing it was just a 4 minute walk from school and a great work out!

History off the Page 

For Art Week, year 4 looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy who creates land art situated in natural settings. We really enjoyed creating environmentally friendly art, outdoors. Year 4 only used natural materials found in the school grass area to create these masterpieces!

Food Tasting 

Have you ever wondered how new foods are invented? It all starts with a taste test! Year 4 have been tasting a range of breakfast bars in preparation for designing and making their very own bars! Watch this space for the processes they will follow in creating a new product… 


Cable Carts Visit

Year 4 took a trip on the cable cars to see the River Thames from above. Pupils saw the meanders, natural and man-made features of the Thames and even managed to glimpse where the River Lea joined the Thames. It was an exciting trip but seeing all of the plastic pollution in the river made us wonder what we could do to help.

History Off The Page 

Year 4 took part in a virtual DT lessons today. Check out some of their inventions recycled boxes, motors and batteries. Pupils particularly enjoyed experimenting with ways to make the motor turn different aspects of their inventions.